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Tara - Rich source of plant-based protein

Tara (Caesalpinia spinosa), also known as spiny holdback, taya and algarroba tanino, belongs to the Fabaceae family, the Caesalpinioideae subfamily and the Caesalpinieae tribe. A small leguminous tree native to Peru, it is typically cultivated as a source of environmentally friendly tannins, a source of gum or resin used as thickeners and stabilizers in food and is also grown as an ornamental plant due to its colorful flowers and pods. Furthermore, the tara seeds found inside the pods are a rich source of protein, which makes them a great addition to functional foods and drinks, and in particular, plant-based protein applications.

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General Information

The Tara tree is a small leguminous tree or thorny shrub, which typically grows from 6-16 feet high. The fruits are 3-4 inch long pods which each contain 4-7 ovoid flat seeds that darken and turn a reddish color as they ripen. In addition to attractive 3-5 inch long reddish-yellow flowers with tiny petals, the tree also contains dark gray bark, scattered prickles, hairy twigs and small alternating evergreen leaves.

Native to Peru, the Tara tree is found growing throughout northern, western and southern South America and has been introduced in drier areas in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and California. It can grow in areas from 0-9,800 feet above sea level, tolerates dry climates and poor soils, and is generally resistant to most pathogens and pests. Tara trees can produce for up to 80 years, with their highest production taking place between 15 and 65 years of age.


Nutrients and Benefits

Tara seed is an excellent source of plant protein and dietary fiber, with approximately 45 grams of protein and 18 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams of powder.

In addition to the well-known antioxidant gallic acid which is the main constituent, Tara also contains glucosinolates, amino acids and vitamins.

Product Specifications/Applications


NP Nutra® offers a premium quality Tara Protein Powder (organic), a green-yellow, partly-soluble powder that is Certified Organic, Kosher and Food Grade, and is produced in a BRC certified facility.

Tara powder is obtained from the separation and grinding of the internal part of the seed, the germ. Tara Protein Powder (organic) can be added to a variety of functional foods and beverages and dietary supplements. In addition, Tara's high protein and fiber content make it an excellent ingredient addition to weight management formulations, particularly products catering to the trending keto diet, which are usually high in fat, protein and fiber.

Contact us for a free sample and further product information.


1 https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/Caesalpinia_spinosa/
2 http://www.worldagroforestry.org/treedb2/speciesprofile.php?Spid=17978

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