Dandelion Header

A Health-promoting Root

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), considered a nuisance weed to some, produces cheerful yellow flowers, brings joy to children and adults who take part in the tradition of blowing the white puff-ball of seeds into the air while making…

Ingredients Header

Ingredients of the Month

In these challenging, unsettled times, consumers have become even more aware of the importance of healthy, nutrient-rich products. At NP Nutra® we are committed to helping you develop innovative products to meet…

Apple Cider Vinegar Header

Orange Juice – High in Vitamin C

Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), a hybrid of pomelo and mandarin, is one of the world's most popular fruits. Its juice is one of the most popular in the global fruit juice market, which produced…

Apple Cider Vinegar Header

Versatile Vinegar

As a longtime traditional home remedy used in everything from skincare to wellness elixirs, apple cider vinegar boasts a variety of bioactive compounds. The main one being acetic acid, a short-chain fatty acid, as…

Moringa Header

Moringa - The 'Miracle Tree'

Moringa (Moringa oleifera), referred to as 'the Miracle tree' due to its array of nutrients and benefits, is also known as drumstick tree (long and slender pods), horseradish tree (horseradish-tasting roots), and ben oil tree (aromatic oil extracted…